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Financial Planning


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What is Financial Planning ?
Financial planning is the act of managing your income; setting your financial goals and then allocating your assets across investments keeping in mind your limitations and requirements.

There are a few financial goals that are very important for every individual like owning a new home, starting a business, education of children, or retirement planning but as we all know each thing comes with a price tag attached to it, that’s where financial planning comes in.

Despite its name, Financial Planning is more about life than money. It is a process that can help you reach your goals by evaluating your whole financial picture, then outlining strategies that are tailored to your individual needs and available resources. It is a crucial activity which is meant for future.

Financial planning is a highly-personalized process. You need to take into account multiple factors about your life – past, present and future – in order to form a feasible financial plan. Remember, for a plan to be effective, it has to be well-thought, comprehensive and with an eye on the future. Simply put, a financial plan has to be planned by individuals keeping in mind their stage in life cycle and their needs. It is a cyclical service that constantly repeats as clients need change over time. Both the client and planner have certain responsibilities to make the exercise a success.

Why Financial Planning is important?
Good and thoughtful planning is the cornerstone of an individual's good financial health. Financial planning is the act of managing your income; setting your financial goals and then allocating your assets across investments keeping in mind your limitations and requirements. The need and importance of financial planning when Inflation & changing lifestyles are the biggest cause of concern, cannot be overstated.

Unexpected things happen all the time - so being financially ready for it makes life much easier. Whatever stage you are at in life, you need to make sure your personal financial life gets the attention it deserves. You need to develop well-defined goals and define appropriate strategies to turn your dreams into reality. The right time to create a financial plan is right now. No matter what your income level or what your hopes for the future, you need a solid plan to achieve your goals. Drifting through life without carefully set goals and well-researched methods of achieving them is a recipe for disaster.

What it delivers?

The process of financial planning should help you answer three questions. Where you are today, that is, your current personal balance sheet, where do you want to be tomorrow, that is, finances linked to your goals, and what you must do to get there, that is, the asset allocation and investment strategy that will help you achieve your objectives.

Why certified planners?
CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER professionals are members of an international community of elite financial planning practitioners who are committed to upholding the profession’s most rigorous global standards and putting clients’ interests first. Certified planners work on the principles of client’s first, Integrity, objectivity, fairness, Professionalism, Competence, Confidentiality and Diligence.

Certified financial planners work on your overall financial picture and identify your investment profile and then provide you with best unbiased advice to help you achieve financial freedom through proper financial planning. Even if you do most of the work yourself, you may want to check with a planner to be sure your plan will work as you intended.

VM Capital is one of India’s unique and distinctive comprehensive financial planning portal offering unbiased advisory services like comprehensive financial planning, financial planning roadmap, retirement planning, tax planning, child’s future planning, insurance planning and mutual fund advisory services online. The advice is delivered by panel of certified financial planners putting client’s interest on topmost priority.

In today’s fast changing competitive world, time is proving to be a scarce. We hardly find time even for our top priorities in life. At VM Capital, we value your Time. Thanks to the Internet, there’s no need to sharpen a pencil and make back-of-the- envelope calculations when drafting a budget, planning for Investments, or managing your credit.

With VM Capital you can do comprehensive financial planning at the tip of your fingers. We understand the extraordinary opportunities and challenges that define your life, and we apply our wealth of expertise to help you successfully manage these complex issues. Led by your advisor, our specialists works on your overall financial picture to design a strategy that aligns with your values, addresses your evolving needs, and builds the legacy you want to establish for future generations. With VM Capital you can plan anything & everything related to investments and finance sitting at your home or office. Now it’s just a click away.

Take control of your investments and your life

We all need to be in control of our money, but too often - money controls us. This can happen when we have no clear idea of what we want from our life, and no real plan to help us achieve it.

The specialized service we provide means that YOU can leave all the financial stuff to us, and concentrate on the things that motivated and inspired YOU in the first place! We provide Fee-Only, comprehensive financial planning as an integral part of your Total Wealth Management. We will help you realize your personal and financial objectives. By developing a clear financial plan we will provide you with the structure to help you achieve what you really want from life.

The VM Capital difference:

At VM Capital we strive to provide value to our customers at each and every step of our services. We differentiate ourselves by taking into account simple dynamics of personal finance.

• Quality Advise – Right advice aligned with your unique needs is the only way to reach the goal. Our advisory services are customized to individuals investment profile ensuring you receive quality advice

• Value-added services – Delivering promises and adding value at every step is built into our system

• Products – VM Capital product-team is constantly working on bringing out products that fulfill your needs.

• Aligned Interests – We value your interest. We do so by putting our interest aligned to yours. If you do not succeed, we do not either. We have strong reasons to do our best.

As your partner, we serve as your guide and educator having only your personal, unique, best interests at heart.

Financial Planning for Childern

Now a days, Child Education Planning the one of the top most priority for the parents and Mutual Fund is the best tool to acheive this financial goal and to accumulate sufficient surplus...

Financial Planning for Retirement

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Financial Planning

You may have life goals like Dream House, Dream Car, Child Education Planning and even you own Retirement Planning and without proper planning it would become really very challenging to acheive those goals. Try our SIP Calculator to see how much you will get by investing on a monthly basis.

SIP Calculator
How Much Monthly Amount Your Client Can Save?

How Many Months Your Client Wish To Continue This?

Expected Yearly Rate of Returns (%)

Total Investment Amount
Growth in Rs
Final Valuation Amount